


Click on the logo to access user authentification page.

BPA - Bitcoin Price Alert

Click on the logo to access user authentification page.

Contract Generator

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Really Mute Inactive Tabs Pro

Click on the logo to access Google Play Store page. In order to make this extension work you have to enable tab audio muting UI control in Chrome flags. To do so go to: chrome://flags/ Find Enable tab audio muting UI control. Click on Enable. Restart Chrome. Voila!

Really Mute Inactive Tabs LT

Click on the logo to access Google Play Store page. In order to make this extension work you have to enable tab audio muting UI control in Chrome flags. To do so go to: chrome://flags/ Find Enable tab audio muting UI control. Click on Enable. Restart Chrome. Voila!

Icons made by Freepik from
Icons made by Icongeek26 from